Community Engagement Archive

  • New Approaches, Techniques and Tools for Engagement

    In this Innovation Round, participants will learn about experimentation with and implementation of new approaches and techniques for community engagement.Speak…

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  • The Legacy and Continued Relevance of Olmsted Parks

    Join this Peer Conversation to hear about the legacy of Olmsted parks across the country and how their leaders are working towards inclusivity. It will focus o…

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  • The Roles of Citywide Park Non-Profits

    Join other leaders from individual park nonprofits or conservancies for a private, collegial peer-to-peer conversation on pertinent topics for those leading an…

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  • Data-Informed Decision Making for Equitable Park Funding

    Join this Peer Conversation about how agencies and partners are leveraging data for more equitable funding decisions. Discussion leaders will share exampl…

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  • Workforce & Volunteer Partnerships for Urban Forestry

    It’s a dynamic time for urban forestry, where its many benefits are being recognized through increased funding opportunities across the country. Join this…

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  • Inclusive Engagement in Brownfield-to-Park Transformations

    Brownfields – abandoned or underutilized sites suspected to be contaminated (usually due to historical industry presence and transportation infrastructure) -- …

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  • The Role of Elected Officials in Building and Expanding Parks

    What are the roles of elected officials such as mayors and councilmembers in park funding decisions, and how can parks practitioners better work with them?&nbs…

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  • The Imperfect Challenge of Diverting Waste in Parks

    Recycling and composting in parks present significant challenges. Unlike in buildings, controlling the situation outdoors is difficult, and parks agencies must…

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  • Greenway Maintenance for Climate Resilience

    How can we ensure that our parks and green spaces are properly maintained while also taking into account extreme climate impacts? In this Peer Conversation, di…

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  • Power Sharing and Community-Driven Design for Parks

    What is "power-sharing" and how can it take the concept of community engagement to the next level in park partnerships? This panel dialogue will discuss t…

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  • Decolonizing Public Spaces and Community Engagement through Indigenous Placekeeping and Partnerships

    During the panel session, the speakers will discuss various initiatives to decolonize public spaces and promote community engagement through Indigenous placeke…

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  • Creating Jobs, Developing Skills, and Fostering Ownership in Parks and Public Spaces

    This panel dialogue will highlight parks-related workforce development programs with the potential to transform communities. Panelists will discuss the ch…

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  • Partnering with Medical Districts for Placemaking and Public Health

    Clusters of anchor institutions such as hospitals and healthcare facilities offer natural partners for parks practitioners to collaborate with to create, manag…

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  • The Duwamish Valley Resilience District: Collaborating on Sea-Level Adaptation Infrastructure

    The Duwamish Valley Resilience District is located in the South Park and Georgetown neighborhoods of Seattle on the Duwamish River, which is home to the tradit…

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  • Funding Community-Initiated Projects

    In this Innovation Round, participants will learn about unique approaches to funding community-led initiatives and discuss strategies for finding additional su…

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  • Networking Break & Ice Cream Social

    We hope you left room for ice cream! After lunch, return to the Exhibition Hall for additional time with our exhibitors and our popular ice cream social.

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  • Using Data to Create Equitable Park Investment Strategies

    As park leaders, we know the tremendous benefits of parks and open spaces to physical and mental health, local economies, climate resilience, and community con…

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  • Giving Voice to Artists through Parks and Community Engagement

    This workshop explores how art is crucial in empowering individuals to understand their communities better. Beyond its intrinsic value, art enhances the liveli…

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  • Pacific Northwest Public Gardens

    Visit two of the Pacific Northwest’s most spectacular public gardens made possible through public-private partnerships: the Olmsted-designed Washington Park Ar…

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  • Walk & Talk: Victor Steinbrueck & Pike Place Market

    Join a City Parks Alliance Board Member and fellow attendees on an informal walk to a local park. While this is not a guided tour of a specific park, it's an o…

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