
Selina Young

Director of the Indigenous Affairs Office at City of Toronto

Selina is Métis from the Prairies. She has been a guest on Anishnawbe and Haudenosaunee territory in and around Toronto her whole life. She is committed to city-building and change making with and for communities as an active volunteer with many organizations including Park People, the Urban Land Institute and 880 Cities.

Selina is passionate about water and land; you can find her paddling local waters, hiking and running along the Great Lakes, through urban parks and rocky trails, including the Bruce Trail. Her connection to land and water influenced her education and early career in aquatic toxicology, environmental studies and water stewardship.

Selina has decades of experience trying to influence change within the public sector, having worked for governments in Ontario, Canada, and Scotland, and is currently the Director of the Indigenous Affairs Office at the City of Toronto. The Office strives to strengthen the City’s relationship with First Nations Inuit and Metis communities and works to advance truth, justice and reconciliation.


Decolonizing Public Spaces and Community Engagement through Indigenous Placekeeping and Partnerships

Monday, June 24
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM